With funds from the Wells Fargo Hunger and Food Insecurity Grant and United Way of Central Maryland, Flavor Uma is providing culinary and nutrition education classes to expecting and nursing mothers in Baltimore County. By educating mothers on healthful eating, the program is promoting healthier birth weights and familial habits for children growing up in these homes in order to give children a healthier start in life. Mothers receive recipes and groceries containing ingredients from the class to allow them to practice healthy habits at home, and recipes can be made in environments with limited or no electricity or water.
As part of this grant, Flavor Uma is also establishing a Healthy Little Cooks Kid Ambassador program in two Baltimore schools. In each school, eight to ten students with an interest in food, nutrition, or culinary arts receive monthly training, guidance, and support to serve as healthy eating peer educators. Each month, student ambassadors host cooking demonstrations to teach their peers how to prepare healthy and delicious recipes and share what they learned about nutrition.